Having said all of that, it is important that future generations move forward not making the same mistakes as the generations that came before them. This is critical. We have to learn from our mistakes, otherwise we are doomed to repeat them (another often heard phrase). Today, we have dedicated our list to this endeavor. Of course, the advice you are about to read isn’t anything groundbreaking or Earth shattering. It won’t solve world hunger or cure cancer, but it will make the adjustment from teenage life to adult life that much easier. So if you know anybody that can benefit from this list, forward it to them because these are 25 Bits Of Advice Every Teenager Should Hear. Featured Image: wikipedia Note: If you want to be a professional, by all means go to college. Just don’t think you have to go to the most expensive one. Community colleges can be a great way to save money. Note: the only way to do this is to just do it and then learn from your mistakes.